Bit system indicates the volume of memory addressed that can be accessed. 32-bit can be applied to a data-bus or a microprocessor. For the former, it indicates that the width of the pathway for data-traveling is 32 pathways in parallel. The later indicates that the width of the registers of the microprocessor is 32 bits. Thus the system can access 2^32 memory addresses, which is equivalent to 4 GB of RAM or physical memory. A 64-bit system can access 2^64memory addresses, i.e. actually 18-Quintillion GB of RAM. In short, any amount of memory greater than 4 GB can be easily handled by it. One bit in the register can reference an individual byte in memory, so a 32-bit system can address a maximum of 4 GB (4,294,967,296 bytes) of RAM. A computer with a 64-bit processor can have a 64-bit or 32-bit version of an operating system installed. However, with a 32-bit operating system, the 64-bit processor would not run at its full capability.
The progress and overall performance of various employees and wagers can be monitored automatically by an AI-guided system, called AI advisors. It acts in dual mode, i.e., both growth of the employee by time-to-time monitoring of performance vis-à-vis timely delivery of projects and best output of the employees.
It is an electronic collection of words (used in American English), including texts of various genres of written and spoken English. The database building started in 1990 to create the treasure of the American English words and annotations which are open to all for unrestricted use ( Currently, the ANC contains about 22 million words of written and spoken data, including emerging genres such as email, tweets, and web data which were not included in the previous corpora like the British National Corpus.
Anaconda is an electronic platform/environment for Python and R programming languages. This free and open-source distribution is used for scientific computing (data science, machine learning applications, large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, etc.), that aims to simplify package management and deployment. Anaconda was developed by Anaconda, Inc. (previously Continuum Analytics) and was initially released in July 2012. Package versions are managed by the package management system conda. (https: //
Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables a machine to simulate normal human behavior (through repeated training and correction of errors, thereof). It is the intelligence exhibited by machines; It is called artificial based on the premise that it is not “real” or “human”. It mimics cognitive functions exhibited by humans, viz. problem solving and learning. Machine-learning and deep-learning are two subsets of AI.
Automated communications are AI-powered interactive agents, like chatbots, and mailbots.. The trained machines are used as an artificial conversational entities based on algorithms or computer programs to carry out the conversation via auditory or textual methods.
AI solutions bridge the gaps between the role of data-analysts vis-à-vis data scientists to fulfilling the business imperatives. For example, these might include programs that can develop a deep understanding of customer preferences from data, identify high-risk customer groups, and tailor interaction touch points in a manner personalized to such customers.
This is a kind of AI solution. It enhances the operational efficiency of a firm and reduces the cost of business operations. These include AI programs and bots aimed at automating repetitive manual tasks such as identifying and correcting data and formatting mistakes, performing back office tasks, and automating repetitive interactions with customers.
Business decision-making in response to the survey response to a set of participants influences the future line of action. Such partuiciants contribute through their responses in the decision-making role of the company or they influence the plan in the organization.
Set of images are analyzed using certain algorithms in machine learning (or deep learning methods) to aggregate relevant information for advanced classification and analysis.
These are AI-driven information systems aimed toward decision-making to support business and organizational activities.
The Fourier transform (FT) can decompose a time-function (expressed in the form of a wave) into its constituent frequencies. A special case is the expression of a musical chord in terms of the volumes and frequencies of its constituent notes. The term Fourier transform refers to both the frequency domain representation and the mathematical operation that associates the frequency domain representation to a function of time. (https: // Thus, The Fourier Transform is a tool that breaks a waveform (a function or signal) into an alternate representation, characterized by sine and cosines. The Fourier Transform shows that any waveform can be re-written as the sum of sinusoidal functions (http: //
Application of artificial intelligence in different types of games through ML or DL-based algorithms to increase the predictability of the outcome of each movement in the game. Game AI has revolutionized several popular games (like Chess, Go) worldwide.
It’s an evolutionary algorithm that is used to identify optimal solutions to certain problems (associated with genetics and evolution). It is principally based on genetics and the theory of natural selection.
Apache Hadoop facilitates the use of a network of several servers and/ or computer-systems to solve big-data analysis problems. It is a collection of open-source software utilities that provides a software framework for distributed storage and processing of big data using the MapReduce programming model. Originally designed for computer clusters built from commodity hardware—still common use—it has also found use on clusters of higher-end hardware. It was formally released on April 1, 2006.
The Internet of things (IoT) is a booming term that has secured it’s place in almost all ICT and IT-oriented fields. IoT refers to interrelated/interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital machines provided with unique identifiers (UIDs), and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. The definition of the Internet of things has evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems. Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation (including home and building automation), and others all contribute to enabling the Internet of things. In the consumer market, IoT technology is most synonymous with products about the concept of the "smart home", covering devices and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, thermostats, home security systems cameras, and other home appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers (https: //
ipynb stands for i-python notebook. *.ipynb is a file format for notebook documents that is used by Jupyter Notebook to make use of it’s various contents, like, inputs and outputs, explanatory text, mathematics, and images. ipynb files use the interactive environment in computer programs, like, Python. It contains all the content from the Jupyter Notebook web application session, which includes the inputs and outputs of computations, mathematics, images, and explanatory text (
Jupyter is the name of a project run by a nonprofit organization created to "develop open-source software, open standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages". The project Jupyter system originated from the iPython notebook concept by Fernando Pérez, in 2014. The remarkable feature of this polyglot project is that it supports multiple programmable environments to execute computer programs in multiple languages. The name of the Project Jupyter's is derived from three core programming languages supported by Jupyter, which are Julia, Python, and R, and also an homage to Galileo's notebooks recording the discovery of the moons of Jupiter. Project Jupyter has developed and supported the interactive computing products Jupyter Notebook, JupyterHub, and JupyterLab, the next-generation version of Jupyter Notebook (https: //
KDD is nothing but data mining. Thus, it is an iterative process to unearth novel information through data cleaning, integration and churning of data from one or more databases (https: //
Natural-language generation (NLG) is an artificial intelligence-driven programming in order to transform structured data into natural language. It can be used to produce long-form content for organizations to automate custom reports, as well as produce custom content for a web or mobile application. The practical considerations in building NLU vs. NLG systems are not symmetrical. NLU needs to deal with ambiguous or erroneous user input, whereas the ideas the system wants to express through NLG are generally known precisely. NLG needs to choose a specific, self-consistent textual representation from many potential representations, whereas NLU generally tries to produce a single, normalized representation of the idea expressed (https: //
It is a type of AI-hard problem that applies artificial intelligence that is used for natural-language interpretation (NLI). It falls under the broad discipline of natural-language processing in artificial intelligence that deals with machine reading comprehension. There is considerable commercial interest in the field because of its application to automated reasoning, machine translation, question answering, news-gathering, text categorization, voice-activation, archiving, and large-scale content analysis.
The term programming environment, in a broader sense, covers all of the hardware and software in the environment used by the programmer. All programming can therefore be properly described as taking place in a programming environment. Programming environments may vary considerably in complexity. The environment consists of languages supported, tools (compilers, linkers, packagers, data transformation tools, visualizers, debuggers, runners, test tools, simulators/emulators) R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, while Python is an interpreted, general-purpose, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. Since R and Python are open source languages and freely distributed, usage of both languages in scientific computation and data analysis has substantially increased in the last decade (
Soft robotics refers to AI-driven automation of certain repetitive tasks like, customer servicing, and customer-oriented sales, information technology, etc.